Poem by © Brita Peterson
I'm so busy says the mother caring for her little kids. I can't see you, I'm so sorry, first let me catch up on some sleep.
I'm so busy says the college student working all the time. I have studies and so much work to do and I have a social life.
I'm so busy says the father working hard both day and night. He has to keep his family fed barely resting, money is tight.
I'm so busy says the brother, sister, mother, father, friend. I can't take the time to be with you, the time you'd like to spend.
Don't you think I'm busy too? That my problems are too small? I'm reaching out because I'm struggling, needing someone to tell all.
While I'm dying from the inside and hope I never act on all these thoughts. All I hear is you’re too busy and can't make time for me at all.
When depression is consuming it's so much hated dread. The only logical thing to think right then is, "I'm better off dead."
You may not understand this because you've never sunk so deep. But I have been there and you can't imagine all the ugliness I think.
Let's not wait until it's too late to lift another soul, When we are crying at their grave. Wishing we would have listened to their cries for help, but by then it's just too late.
Don't let it be too late for someone else. Be a friend. Stop what you are doing and listen. Most times, that's all it takes.